
Showing posts from November, 2018

Believe In Dreams and your voice

Speak Your voice will speak through the walls because it is your voice giving power to your thoughts So speak because it is what makes you a human and humane. ©Sufi...5/11/18 Philosophies@Sufi Painting@Sufi There are a few things that keeps me awake at nights. I hardly sleep and I almost daydreaming about finding my name. I have done so, found my voice, my name, my calling and my path too. Yet I am restless and always searching. Maybe the soul is like that, it always needs to go on a quest and search for a higher knowledge of things. The first thing that really jolted me was going through the life of an Artist named Hokusai who during his death wished for more time to be able to master his craft and leave behind his best work. I understood the essence of time. The time spent in sulking on the things, the recognition or the financial support or anything that makes me think again and again about my decision of working as a full time writer and artist. It has already been 1