
Showing posts from 2014

Is this how it feels to be forgotten?

Is this how it feels to be Forgotten? ' Hello friends today I share with you a very grave issue that we often find ourselves dealing with....the feeling of being forgotten. Yes.....forgotten as in ignored and not wanted. There is not one of us who has face this kind of situation ever and then left to wonder how could this happen to us, Us the most loved and happening person. But believe me it does and how do we deal with it is still a question. It has often happened that our friends forget us...they hang out or laugh or party post updates but forget to tell us or include us in their time of joy....their excuse...they assume us to be busy and we get really upset over it.Childish it doe sound but I think like all relationships, friendship is also a very demanding, after all we do select our friends forever, spend thousand hours with them, gossip and share secrets, in all we fall in love with them and they with us. And if we are forgotten our egos are hurt, we go into that dee

When It Rains..................

When it Rains...... We have sultry days very often but when the cold dusty wind knocks at our doors we revive and for a second live maybe. Calcutta looks beautiful when it rains.....the earth smells fresh, the dark blanket whirls around like a dancing peacock. Suddenly the same old things look new and beautiful. The windows of the sun soaked homes breaks open as the liquid air dances and tantalizes and the eyes watch out for moments. The Roads become a reflecting water mirror capturing the rushes of life... Here and there little boats sail ahead with innocent dreams. Laughter echoing around, calling us to some enchanted world. That sound of wind chimps singing the charming sounds, round and round it goes welcoming the rain. , Rains...drop of nature, a gift to revive our barren souls...and the soul rushes to create beautiful memories to be remembered, to be relived with. Why hide under umbrellas? I see lovers walking through the puddle, smiling, whispering....a chance

A new Dream......

I have had a new be a writer, an author...I had it always. But it was maybe in my subconsciousness for so long waiting, and at the same time emerging every now and then...ideas, tales, people....surrounding me, Nature inspiring me to write...and so now I hold my pen and put my mind at rest....for I have a dream to see what I have say, also said by others.....and the message in it clearly understood...the joy...when someone says  I have never read anything like this before. It just gives you a reason to believe in yourself again. I always wanted to be a that I could write something meaningful, then after a while I realized it was just about politics, events and celebs...I didnt quite understand any of was a moment to share someone else limelight...Where would be my identity then? I had to strive to have my own thoughts, a great story to be told and read worldwide...then I knew feature writing was what I could give my best at....But then in the worl

I wonnnnnnnn...four anthology competitions in a row....all by Author Sufia Khatoon

I closed my eyes and made a wish ...I can write but can I twist?  I soon realized I had a star, a magical wand to take me far.... My pen so bold kept haunting my soul, Write till you are no more..... together we set on a journey far....... so many stories to tell, so many experiences to share.... a touch of fancy is what it took.....and then came the words like a shooting star.... flowing away like that beautiful blue bird...... "Come, here me sing oh mortals!"it said For our adventures had a great start....... My Passion soaring high, My eyes weaving again that wonderful dream To be that star, to be that glow, to shine.......... hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii good morning...I mean this is great, I open my eyes and see what...that I made it to the Teenlife short story writing competition of Grapevine publication..yes you heard me right...Nikita Singh, Durjoy Dutta and other writers emerged from here.... I won the God so awesome...Grapevine India Teenlife contest......finally a h

Recalling My Past..............

Hiiiiiii dear friends and has been really long since I last spoke to you all..years maybe and Time had just flown away...where should I start many things have happened and ohh such wonderful memories I this just gave me an idea of recalling my past... So for a moment I am stunned and a little taken aback because I can't remember the events of my past two years...I mean sometime dont you wish we had some magical wand that could just show our life on our magical TV...yes I am being all philosophical...Well the good news is that I have realized what I really want to do with my life. It did take me really a long time to understand that...I had seen others deciding their goals in juts a flick but I was always the confused one.... in I couldn't see myself just doing one work for the rest of  my being a teacher or doctor,etc Finally I understood all ever I wanted in my life was to express myself and I could do that best