Simpler Living.......

Simpler Living.......

Times have changed with changing taste of civilization, our cities are wider, broader and fancier but in every city, even now I know there are people living and thriving on the values of a simple life. Walking on your city payments even if hawkers, wires, lamp posts, and add hoardings haven't left much space for walkers, such small journeys gives you an insight into the parallel worlds in our known existence. Walking with my camera to explore the roads is a very usual habit for me which gives me the oppurtunity to observe the simple people in an over crowded city space. Obeservation of life is the soul of the world and I feel lucky that it speaks to me very often.

In all religious books or philosophers down the ages in their discourses have stated that a simple living is a way to attend peace of mind. When I see people like tin box and metal scrap sellers, corn and oil fried snack sellers, garam cholle sellers, pan and chat sellers and anyone who in spite of living just below the poverty line, rises up to take the challenges of the entrepreneur skills in them and live their lives, I feel wonderfully inspired. Believing in oneself no matter what the circumstances is a rare trait that takes one a long way, thus teaching one preservance and patience which forms the very base of living a content and peaceful life.

In one of my journeys I observed this smiling and bubbly girl named Simran who is known for her friendly behaviour and her mouth watering corn stall at Elgin road in Kolkata. Talking to her I came to know that she has a business of corn selling which is operating with the help of her mother and elder married sister in three other locations which gives them enough to feed the six member family throughout the year.

She is young, ambitious and happy to be able to help her family. I felt she was on a remarkable journey of changing the stereotypical thoughts running in the undercurrents of poor families under the poverty line that a woman is to be bounded inside the four walls of a home and marriage.

What really struck me was her exuberance, her want of little things, her contentment with life and her peaceful vibrance on her face.

When I see people can afford a full day meal in twenty rupees while we lavishly spend hundreds on coffees, I wonder which life is better, ours or theirs. Now our lifestyle has become so complicated that living a simple and minimalistic lifestyle is unimaginable. I also wish that families like Simran's keep setting a good example of how life is to be lead with little wants.

I dream about backpacking throughout India and seeing it in it's raw, simple nature while our cities degrade each day and so our materialistic cravings. Until then I shall capture lives of the simple kinds and feel good about it as they rise in their lives. 



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